Saturday, April 7, 2012

“The Story of the Physical Psychology” - How the Human Body relates to the Universe


This book is about the Physical Psychology, how the human body relates to the universe. The material for this book is sourced from the private book collection owned by Edgar Cayce. 

The present age is so distinctly one of change and transition that few individuals think about life and destiny, most remain satisfied with ancestral and traditional dogmas.

Yes, it is an age of change, but also an age of search and that is its greatest virtue.

For out of the growing confusion of change, search ultimately will find better ways of living with universal truths and therefore, about human life and the universe as a composite of inherited forms and ideology of thought regarding the nature of the existence of mankind.

The perfecting of human behavior is both a science and an art, there-fore, may be viewed as a scientific process, exercising the utmost intelligence and judgment. It is possible to arrive at ideal standards for conduct through the use of this scientific judgment, as Socrates did.

However, a scientist, whose mind is principally occupied in one particular line of investigation, is not liable to recognize a new truth in natural law, until it has been brought to his attention.

"All truths exist independent of man, who may discover and apply them, but cannot generate them. When a belief is proven to be a truth, then it becomes knowledge, which implies understanding, and can be proven by the power of reason.”  Sir Francis Bacon

Science and Natural Truth

The cause of human life, the very rapid motion of the earth as it revolves in its orbit, drags the elements of matter against the delicate waves of ether of the universe, the force that is necessary to carry on the very process of human life.

Since everything there is in the entire universe is located in the "Big Wheel," therefore the Principle of Human Life must be included.

I have understood that the Principle of Human Life was something like a spirit, or power, or non-material force, or influence which was instilled into man, animals and plants by the creator, back to the time of the creation, and due to the Principle of Human Life, there is organization, evolution from living organized matter was how man’s mind is finally developed.

I would like very much to understand how it appears that the principle of human life and the mind of man are contained in the "big wheel" and thus the role of the Principle People.

The subjoined series of dialogues between notables, epitomized in the contents, are all based upon the hypothesis that Time bears a constant mathematical relation to the universe of Matter and Energy. 

Time, used in this way corresponds with our ordinary conception of eternity, in that it extends to infinity past, and infinity future, whilst at the same time we recognize the present existence of all forms of matter, and all modes of energy.

To understand the history of science lessons learned by these notable’s in the past, we need to put the truth into perspective for you to understand the process of the universe’s awakening in the human family.

(1) What Time is and is not.

(2) What the cause of Life?

(3) What are the Brains Compositional parts and the modus operandi of its formation?

(4) Why the mind varies in the same individual at different times, and in different individuals at the same time.

(5) The relation existing between "sense" and a "subconscious" mind.

(6) What is the modus operandi of the Mind?

(7) To explain how, and why, different phases of Mind (Subconscious, Subliminal, Hypnotic, Objective, Primordial, Dual Mind, etc.) exist, and how any one of these varieties is related to the others.

(8) How Memories are made and reproduced.

(9) Why it is necessary that there be two sides, or halves to the brain, in order to manifest Consciousness?

The Universal Spirits

Like a song they came with pure tones in their heart of the concert piano, rising to the vibration of the full orchestra, bringing awareness from a less familiar realm to life on earth.

Book On Sale -Amazon Kindle “The Story of the Physical Psychology” How the Human Body relates to the Universe © Copyright 2010 Martin J. Chekel All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or trans-mitted in any form or by any means without permission by the author.

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